Output Messenger Roadmap lists the updates about the Designs planned presently, Development in progress and the features/fixes to be available (Rolling Out) to the customers shortly.
- Single Chat WindowThe new feature that will enable you to get all conversations in a Single Window instead of multiple tabs and windows.
- Voice/Video Chat in Mobile AppsThis will make you to enjoy the Chat along with Voice / Video Calls on your Mobile devices securely.
- Topic Based ChatTag chat messages based on a topic. Discussion about a file/task/event etc will be organized & easy to follow.
- Group Chat – GUIImprove the Group Chat – Add User GUI to add Users/Groups/Chat Groups easier than before.
- Output WallThe place to your team to post their thoughts, views and suggestions to anyone or particular users/groups for better team collaboration.
- Output Wall IntegrationIntegrate the Enterprise Social Network ‘Output Wall’ with ‘Output Messenger’ to make more enjoyable and productive workplace.
- IP Address RestrictionsAssist you to have more secured communication by restricting the Authorized users also through their IP Addresses.
- User Profile – Status HistoryIn User Profile window, find User’s Status with the list of all devices in which he/she logged-in for the day.
- Browser Version UpdatesAdding Acknowledgment feature & new Smiley icons in Browser Version.
- Guest Access to Chat Rooms
Rolling Out
- Sticky NotesYou can pin the important notes to desktop so that they’re always visible and help to organize everyday to-do lists.
- Favorite MessagesStarred messages feature will help to list important messages marked as Favorite.
- Leave Chat RoomOption to allow/restrict the users to leave from Chat Room.
- Advanced Search in View LogLets you to search the Chat Log with various filters ‘From/To’, ‘Keyword’, ‘Days’ and ‘Starred Messages’ etc.
- Download LogsGet all or certain period of Chat Logs from the Server handily.
- Group Chat with Offline UsersInclude or exclude the offline users in Group Chat.
- Auto Close Inactive ChatTired off too many inactive chat windows remain open? Soon we will have auto close option.
- Change Password in Mobile AppsAllow Users to change the login Password from their mobile devices itself.
- Quote Message in Mobile AppsNew way to reply your colleagues. Just embed the previous messages you want to reply and respond.
- Forward Message in Mobile AppsForward the text messages instantly to your colleagues/team in a new way.